When I get to the part of setting var DATE2 I get:

Error: Expected date in MM/DD/YY format, not 00/01/06

Obviously, I have something different set for MPEX input
dates, although output dates are the same as yours.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Scott Lindholm [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
> Sent: Thursday, December 30, 1999 1:31 PM
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Distinguished listers,
> I was running over a Y2K test script when I noticed something
> funny.  I have
> looked it over several times and I think that I am doing everything
> correctly.  There is either a Y2K issue with MPEX's date
> formatting or I am
> missing something.
> 959_sys_%setvar date today + 7
> 959_sys_%showvar date
> DATE = 00/01/06            **this is the date that I expected to see**
> 959_sys_%setvar date2 strwrite(!date:'%4Y%0M%0D')  **format
> the date to
> 959_sys_%SHOWVAR DATE2
> DATE2 = 19000106  **oops!  Why are we all of the sudden in
> the 1900's??**
> 959_sys_%
> Anybody have an idea??
> Scott Lindholm
> Sr. Systems Administrator
> 1 Environmental Way
> Broomfield, Colorado 80021-3416
> (303) 664-3264
> [log in to unmask]