I would really appreciate help with installing SAMBA on my HP3000 928.  At
this point I am just basically running around in circles so if anyone can
guide me in some sort of direction, I'd really appreciate the help.

History, this far.  I got the unsupported copy of  SAMBA from the Jazz web
site link and got it installed on my system.  It's been a while now so I'm
not sure what I did or didn't do.  My configuration file was copied from the
sample and modified as little as possible.  Basically, I put the interfaces,
the workgroup, debug level = 6, guest account = mgr.samba, added a share
with: guest ok = yes, guest only = yes, write ok = yes, path=
/SAMBA/SHR/temp.  I originally had what I believed to be a valid WINS server
address.  I later changed it to wins support = yes.  I am streaming the JNMB
and JSMB jobs.  I originally tried running it from inetd.  Both ways
produced the same results.

I can see the SambaComputer in my network neighborhood, but I cannot see the
share I tried to add.  When I try to get to it from network neighborhood or
by mapping a drive, the process takes a long time and then I get the
message.  "Not accessible.  The network path was not found."  When I run
smbclient -L computername, I see Connected, write_sockets, Sent session
request, Then "Session request failed (0,0) with myname=computername
destname=computername, Unspecified error 0x0, Your server software is being

In log.nmb, there is a lot of stuff that I don't understand.  In it I also
see a lot of find_name on WINS and find_name on local.  I also see wins
proxy not enabled-failing lookup.

I don't know where else to go.  Can anyone help?

