<[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> Is there an escape sequence that will allow you to issue a Reflections
> VBA command from the host HP3000.  I know there are sequences to be
> able to issue RCL or Reflections Basic commands but have not been able
> to find one to issue the new VBA commands in version 7.0.

You can't execute just a single VBA command in Reflection as you would an
RCL command. You must create an entire subroutine to do it. Here is an

setvar esc,chr(27)
echo !ESC&oG
echo sub main
echo application.shell "c:\windows\notepad"
echo end sub
echo !ESC&oH



Doug Werth                             Beechglen Development Inc.
[log in to unmask]                               Cincinnati, Ohio

The opinions expressed do not  necessarily represent the views or
opinions of Beechglen Development. They might but not necessarily.
They represent solely the opinions of the author.