Peter Chong wrote in message ...

>No one understand Quantum Mechanic,
>But everything is base on this.
>We just got the wrong text book to learn.

Boy, that's a relief!  I thought I was the only one who didn't understand
Quantum Mechanics--even
after getting an 'A' in this subject matter about 35 years ago at LSU.  I
have a very worn copy
of 'Einsteins Universe' by Nigel Calder which I have read forwards,
backwards, from the middle
toward the front and back, and in a pseudo-random fashion, attempting to
achieve a firm insight
into how everything REALLY works.   Now I know my lack of understanding is
due to the book which
I chose -- instead of innate stupidity.    A  'teaser' on the cover states
"Relativity Made Plain-
The Amazing Achievement of Albert Einstein and What it Means Today".    Each
individual chapter
seems to fulfill the promise.  When all chapters are considered together
however, it doesn't seem
quite so 'Plain' after all.

BTW, do any of you know how the 'black hole' experiment is progressing?  I
heard that the
switch hadn't yet been pulled yet because of some apprehension that
'something wonderful'
might happen (as in the movie 2010).   Also, I recently read about an
experiment where some
data had been propogated at about 10-times the speed of light--using a
statistical measurement
of quantum mechanical electron shift (probably not using correct terminology
here).   Maybe
Windows 2000 will be able to zip right along after all ................

Winston (trapped in a parallel universe) Kriger