There are a number of good job schedulers available that can do what you
ask -- MPEX can do it too.

My suggestion is a product named JobPak from a company named "Nobix".
Their phone number is 1-800-538-3818.


>>> STEPHEN HUNTER <[log in to unmask]> 12/06/99 08:40AM >>>
I was wondering if anyone knows of a Good Job Scheduler for an MPE
that is running the MANMAN Software.  I have dates that I have to
every single day, so the Job Scheduler would have to be able to change
dates and weekdays.  I am currently using "switches" and a "modall" job
changes dates and weekdays.  If a date is missed or a "switch" is
missed, I
have a big mess on my hands because the wrong jobs run.  Any help would
much appreciated.

                       Stephen Hunter

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