I recently installed the C6367A drive on our 3000, it is the DDS3 drive
with the 6 tape autochanger.  A couple of questions have come up since
its installation.

At the end of our backups the last tape remains in a "Semi Loaded"
state according to the front display.  This is great if you want to be
able to issue a DEVCONTROL call to put it back on line.  But, at some
point you need to have it unload the tape so that the next tape will be
loaded.  Is there a command or intrinsic that can be used to tell the
drive to eject the tape.

The other question deals with telling the drive to load a specific
tape.  Example if your backup takes 3 tapes and you want to
automatically VSTORE the tape is there a way to tell the drive
programatically to dismount the 3rd tape and reload the 1st tape?

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