I can't figure out how to use the passwords correctly.
I have attached the smb.conf and user.map so you can
see what I'm doing.
In the example, Harry is user on the NT server who wants a private space
on the HP3000. he wants to access it from his Win98 Explorer.
When I try to make a Connexion to a remote disc under Win98
the connexion to HARRYS requires a password.
So far so good ...
Harry types in his NT password but it is refused.
The connexion to Sambalib is working OK but it is
" guest ok = yes" and -as far as I can understand -
not password protected.
What am I doing wrong ?


security = server
password server = NTSERVERNAME
interfaces = 123.456.789.123/
guest account = mgr.samba

  comment = Harrys File Space on the HP3000
  guest ok = no
  write ok = yes
  browseable = yes
  available= yes

  comment = Shared space with all users forced to guest
  guest ok = yes
  write ok = yes
  path = /usr/local/samba/lib
  browseable = yes
  available= yes

MGR.SAMBA         = Harry
MGR.PARTAGE     = Harry