This is a follow on from Friday 19.11.1999 ..
Thanks for all the help already received.

Following the advice I received  since Friday  :
I have delved into the MPE/iX 6.0 Instant Info CD and read up the Samba
Services pages.
I think I understand the smb.conf basic instructions.
(I have included my smb.conf and user .map below.)
I am editing config files locally and copying to the 3000 via FTP which
avoids me learning vi or Qedit.
I have not switched to plain-text passwords as suggested on the
site this would be a last resort and is probably not the source of our
problem anyway.

Have I understood the file correctly ?
Should MyNTUserName point to an mgr for each share? or just to mgr.samba ?

I have substituted x, y and z for addresses her just "to confuse the enemy".
--------start of smb.conf -------------
config file  = /usr/local/samba/lib/smb.conf
# security = share
workgroup = Sambaix
server string = HP3000 - Serveur de Fichiers
dead time = 5
username map = /usr/local/samba/lib/
interfaces = 192.x.y.z/
debug level = 5
load printers = no
guest account = mgr.samba
wins server = NTSERVER
password server = NTSERVER


  comment = Shared space with all users forced to guest
  guest ok = yes
  write ok = yes
  path = /usr/local/samba/docs
  browseable = yes
  available= yes

  comment = Samba HTML files (readonly but guest allowed)
  guest ok = yes
  write ok = no
  path = /usr/local/samba/html
  browseable = yes
  available= yes

  comment = Samba Public share for tests
  path = SAMBA/SHR/public
  read only = yes
--------end of smb.conf -------------

---- start of ----------
mgr.sambadocs   = MyNTUserName
mgr.sambhtml   = MyNTUserName
---- end of ----------

Progress is admittedly slow and  I have now reached an Unfriendly point
where Smbclient can connect to the port 139 but cannot open a session.

Here is some info that might be helpful.
On the 3000, the log.smb file shows that the HP3000 is participating in
browse elections and generally socialising with other machines in the
On PCs, we now see a Sambaix icon in Network Neighbourhood but cannot open
Samba and nmb are running as jobs and not through INETD.
I ran the SETUPJ and the mgr.samba user and samba accounts both have PM cap.

Tried remedies.
I tried commenting out the [Global] Security parameter to see if this would
help but ... no.
I tried the step by step checks from the Instant Info CD
NBDAEMON is not running, not even present on the machine.
Nscontrol status=services returns info on SQL,VT,ALLBASE,NSS, LOOPBACK and
RPM, nothing else.
Netcontrol status ;net=lan1 returns the correct network IP address and
subnet mask.
Testparm returns no errors except a warning on long names and older systems.
Jsmb and Jnmb are alive and no messages in STDOUT. returns valid messages only for an IP Number and only if I am
connected as Manager.sys otherwise no reply at all from Ping.
Nettools/Ping can ping the machine both by name and number.

Then I tried the smbclient test as advised on p.21 of the Instant info.
This is what I get back except that I have substituted x, y and z for
shell/iX> smbclient -L MyServerName
doing parameter load printers = no
doing parameter guest account = mgr.samba
pm_process() returned Yes
adding IPC service
Added interface ip=192.x.y.z bcast=192.x.y.z255 nmask=
Opening sockets
Connecting to 192.x.y.2 at port 139
Sent session request
Session request failed (0,0) with myname=MyServerName destname=MyServerName
Unspecified error 0x0
Your server software is being unfriendly

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