We have had problems with reaching our File Table Limit -- 262,000 files
per disk volume -- due to the types of files we have.  (Tons o' teensy

We've since fixed that issue (added another disc to the [private]
volume set) but now those teeny files need to change to POSIX files due
to new constraints.  <sigh>

Having heard that POSIX files take more than one MPE file entry in the
abused table mentioned above, I was wondering if anyone could tell me or
direct me to how the table entry space is used.

1. So how many table entries does a POSIX file use?

2. Does a "standard" file take up more entry space if placed in an HFS
dir as opposed to an MPE group?  (Wouldn't think so, as the file entry
wouldn't change(?), but...)

3. Does a POSIX file take up less entry space if placed in a group?
(It's limited to 16 characters, so I'm supposing it takes up two
"regular" file table entries.)

Also - Is this file table limit going to get a boost in 6.5 like many
other limits are?
Pretty Please?


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