I have seen this happen once when the software clock was not in sync
with the hardware clock.  There is a tool in TELESUP that will show you
the 2 clocks:


If the hardware clock is incorrect you can reset it by using CLKUTIL
from the ISL during a reboot.

In article <[log in to unmask]>,
  Chris Breemer <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Been a while since I posted here. Perhaps someone can help me with a
> date anomaly.
> I have recently upgraded our 5.5 box to PP6 plus assorted patches.
> According to HPs y2k matrix, it should be fully y2k compliant.
> The dates retrieved by my C program are 75 minutes off target :
>     Time is now: [17:30:00]
> whereas SHOWTIME correctly reports:
>     THU, NOV 11, 1999,  6:45 PM
> The C code reporting the weird date is the same I have used for
years :
>     #include <time.h>
>     struct  tm      *p;
>     int     temp;
>     char    ftime[20];
>                 temp = time(NULL);
>                 p = localtime((time_t *)&temp);
>                 strftime(ftime, sizeof(ftime)-1, "[%H:%M:%S]", p);
>                 printf("Time is now: %s \n", ftime);
> The timezone variable TZ is set to MET-1METDST, but changing that does
> not seem to help
> much anymore. I have a feeling something has changed in my C libraries
> since
> the y2k excercise.
> Anyone got a clue ? I'm stumped.
> Thanks,
>     Chris Breemer
>     Compuware Technical Support Specialist

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