Yeah, I had the same problem today in trying to download the latest version
of Patch/iX for 5.5 from the jazz web server. I downloaded it to my PC via
Internet Explorer, then Reflection transferred it (binary mode, Posix
filenames) up to my HP3000 per the documentation that accompanies the
program. The HP3000 sees all of the files that comprise the STD file, but
when attempting to do the restore, it exhibits the exact same behaviour that
Tom mentions below "Failed to recover portions of compressed data". Is there
a better way to get the latest version of Patch/ix (B.00.17) other than
getting it on tape from the Response Center and what might I be doing wrong?

Tom Hula wrote in message <[log in to unmask]>...

>Thanks for your reply.  I did try downloading it again and everything
seemed to
>work better
>this time.  At least I got further along.  However, I did still get an
>while restoring the
>patch file.  It restored the first three files just fine and then had a
>                 C00KXP4A.PATCHXL.SYS
>                 CATKXP4A.PATCHXL.SYS
>Error - CICKXP4A.PATCHXL.SYS - Failed to recover portions of compressed
>Restore encountered incomplete backup on file "/SYS/INSTALL/UUEKXP4A"
>(S/R 1286)
>Remaining files not restored due to error.
>I suppose there could be any number of reasons, like
>- bytes got scrambled on the journey from your site to my PC to my HP
>- Don't have Turbostore ... hope that didn't matter.
>- I don't know why
>Well, if any of this makes sense, please respond...TIA
>                Tom Hula
>                Victor S. Barnes Company