I've been experiencing a similar problem on Reflection 7.0 and went
hunting around on the WRQ site. Searching the tech notes didn't come
up with anything, but I eventually found patch 10 for version 7.0
(file name is Hp1384eg.exe) with the following info:

- By default, when you highlight an area to copy in Reflection`s
terminal window, Reflection goes into a Hold state, then
activates ScrollLock. If you switch to another application,
ScrollLock remains on, possibly interfering with your use of that
application. With this patch, you can unmap VTHoldScreen from
ScrollLock and Reflection will no longer activate ScrollLock when
it goes into a Hold state.

After installing the patch, I loaded Reflection and under
Setup/Keyboard Map, I removed the mapping for the ScrollLock key. That
seems to have done the trick. Crossing my fingers, but I'm not seeing
the scroll lock problem I was seeing before installing the patch.

On Thu, 14 Oct 1999 19:59:37 -0400, Jeff Mikolai <[log in to unmask]>

>Try this:
>1. Open Microsoft Excel with a blank sheet.
>2. Open Reflections and simply double left click (with the mouse) some text.
>It is now highlighted. Do a CTRL-INSERT which is the Reflections version of
>3. Swap back to Excel and CTRL-V. Notice scroll lock turned on when you did
>the CTRL-INSERT and now won't turn off unless you hit the scroll lock key.
>Any idea how to stop this from happening?