I think I've found an incompatibility between ODBCLink/SE-32 and MS Access
2000. In a very simple case, I tried to use a DSN to a database that is
already setup and working fine for Access 97. When I link a table and try to
open it, Access says:

"Microsoft Access can't open the table in datasheet view"

I can't use a select query to find a single record or use a form to access
the records either. I can however open the table in design view and see all
the fields. Curiously enough, Excel 2000 works fine against the same DSN.

Has anyone else run into this and found a workaround? I wrestled with HP for
an hour yesterday and they don't seem to know (or care) about the problem.
I've reproduced this behaviour on Win95, Win98 and NT 4.0 machines so I know
it's not just my machine.

Brad Feazell