Here's one for you guyz out there in HP3000 land.

Why do we stick with the name HP3000? To me it sounds like some kind of
impersonal part number. It's devoid of personality and doesn't reflect
the real beauty and strengths of the machine. Easy operations. Rock-
Solid performance. Integrated database. Rock-solid performance... Rock-
Solid performance.. You know what I mean..

Look what happened when IBM relaunched (in effect) the System 38 as the
AS/400! New name. New sales. Black box. Personality (just about
anyway..) Sales went through the roof!

Maybe it's time to give the HP3000 a *real* name. This would give the
machine a new lease of life IMHO. I'm not creative enough to actually
suggest something other than the HP PerfectServer or something like
that but I do think its about time that HP's marketing machine did some
creative thinking. People respond to personality names not serial
numbers. I don't care what the 3000 is called as long as it does what
it does and I'm still involved with it.

I suppose, the same logic could be applied to the HP9000. Again, its
too "part-number"ish. But I'm an HP3000 advocate so that is just a

Lets give these machines some personality and maybe people will think
of them in a new light. Let's relaunch the 3000 as something new;
something refreshing. People's perception of a "name" is really, really

So if the HP3000 was to be renamed, what would people like to call it?
Maybe the many brilliant minds contributing to HP3000-L could make some
enlightened suggestions...

FWIW my $0.01 worth..

Mark Wilkinson.
Independant Contractor
HP3000 Evangelist and expert.

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Before you buy.