We use REVEAL 3000 and love it.  Well worth the $15000 license and $2500
annual support for an unlimited number of users.  It's very easy for the
users to learn and use and virtually maintenance free from and IT
perspective.  We currently are keeping about 4GB of REVEAL data on the
system spanning just over a years worth of reports.  REVEAL also offers tape
archiving.  O'Pin Systems also offers a Windows version.  I can only imagine
what they have done with that.

Nobix also puts out a product like this called ElectroPage although I have
not seen it.

> Chuck Ryan wrote:
> >I am looking for recommendations on any available packages that can
> >intercept report spoolfiles and store them online for later
> viewing/printing
> >by end-users.
> >
> >What I would like is something that has some security and the ability to
> >print individual pages or the whole report in as simple an interface as
> >possible for the computer literacy challenged.
> <plug>
> We put out a product called AppeerX which provides these functions and
> more.
> You can check out http://www.editcorp.com for more information.
> </plug>
> There are also several other third party products out there which you can
> look into:
> Vista Plus - Quest (http://www.quests.com)
> byRequest - Hillary Software (http://www.hillary.com)
> Reveal - O'Pin Systems (http://www.opin.com)
> Regards,
> Michael L Gueterman
> Easy Does It Technologies
> SIG Web Co-Chair
> http://www.editcorp.com
> voice: (888) 858-EDIT -or- (573) 368-5478
> fax:   (573) 368-5479
> --