No, I've had occasional trouble connecting during net prime
time(18:30hrs-23:30hrs ET) but have usually managed to trade packets with
the server within 12 hours.  (I have to manually connect so I don't usually
try back in an hour.)  I don't know how science projects work in South
Africa, but here in the US they tend to be over conceptualized and under
funded (goals much bigger than their budgets) and so they sometimes have
problems.  Still, for a project on a shoe string budget, their doing pretty
well for themselves.

Maybe if everybody on team HP3000 sent them $20US or so they'd do better.

Scott Gates
Contract Programmer
Trigon BC/BS of VA
MPE/iX HP31900 C.05.08 r: C.55.00
SUPRTOOL/iX/(Version 4.1.04 VAR)
PH 7.29.C6 -- AMISYS v9.4

BTW, I'm leaving the HP3000-l for a while.  Be back when I find another job.

Date:    Mon, 18 Oct 1999 08:11:23 +0200
From:    Neil Harvey <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: SETI (Off Topic)

Is it just us, or has this noble project collapsed?

We have unable to connect and receive more units for a week or two.
There is a bleak notice on their front page and technical news letter page,
pointing out that two of their ancient ftp servers have died.

I would have thought that Sun (one of the sponsors) would have leapt in with
a rescue plan, but I guess it's not in their nature to do so......but what a
marketing opportunity for H-P - hundreds of thousands of techies, all
desperate to assist in the search for ET, will see H-P as the great
Terrestrial Knight in Shining Armour. And all it would take is two or three
loaner ftp servers.

Please let me know if it's just us that can't connect, or has the project


Scott Gates
Contract Programmer
Trigon BC/BS of VA
MPE/iX HP31900 C.05.08 r: C.55.00
SUPRTOOL/iX/(Version 4.1.04 VAR)
PH 7.29.C6 -- AMISYS v9.4