In article
<[log in to unmask]>,
  Noam Koren <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> Hi,
> If:
> this message already had been posted: Sorry, please ignore...
> else:
> I'm sure that this issue was discussed before, but I want to
> be more self-confident when I stand aginst all my organization :)...
> Is there a way to connect (on-line) between HP3000 and Unix ?
> I have a configuration control system runs on unix. I want it to have
> and back access to the MPE disk (the oposite is also fine - if the
MPE can
> access unix disk). (BDW - I use SAMBA for NT<->MPE conectivity.)
> TIA,
> Noam

I believe there's a 3rd-party port of NFS out there somewhere which
should provide the connectivity you need. It's very similar to the SMB
Protocol around which Samba is based and provides a way of sharing
discspace securely between machines.


Mark W.

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