On Thu, 14 Oct 1999 03:44:15 -0400, Lars Appel
<[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>>Some caveats with tar on 5.5, at least. This version uses a new tar
>>format to encode the MPE file attributes of the files in the archive.
>> ... You can switch of this
>>"feature" when creating the tar-archive by issuing the, undocumented,
>>-A flag.
>While I haven't checked the PDF manuals at docs.hp.com (as I am not
>keen on the associated download), the Shell on my 5.5 machine seems
>to document tar -A in help as well as man...
> shell/iX> help tar | head
> tar -- USTAR-compatible tape archiver to copy and back up files
> Usage:  tar -c[#s][AbfvwlzUV] [tapefile] [blocksize] [volpat] file ...
>         tar -r[#s][bfvwlzUV] [tapefile] [blocksize] [volpat] file ...
>         tar -t[#s][AbfvzUV] [tapefile] [blocksize] [volpat] [file ...]
>         tar -u[#s][bfvwlzUV] [tapefile] [blocksize] [volpat] file ...
>         tar -x[#s][AbfvwpmozUV] [tapefile] [blocksize] [volpat] [file ...]
> Key letters (one of):
> -A      toggles whether or not the -c, -t, and -x options process MPE
>         attributes
> -b      set number of 512 byte blocks for archive I/O (must have blocksize)
> -c      create new (empty tape archive)
>[ rest snipped for brevity; man page not shown here for brevity, too ]
/lusr/danny 133 # uname -a
MPE/iX HP939  C.55.03 C.05.08  SERIES 939-020

This system has powerpatch 6 installed, I've seen the same on other
systems with powerpatch 7 as well. Read on.

/lusr/danny 134# man tar

     tar(1)                MPE/iX Shell and Utilities


     tar -- USTAR-compatible tape archiver to copy and back up files

     tar -c[#sbfvwlzU] [-V volpat] [tapefile] [blocksize] file ...
     tar -r[#sbfvwlzU] [-V volpat] [tapefile] [blocksize] file ...
     tar -t[#sbfvzU] [-V volpat] [tapefile] [blocksize] [file ...]
     tar -u[#sbfvwlzU] [-V volpat] [tapefile] [blocksize] file ...
     tar -x[#sbfvwpmozU] [-V volpat] [tapefile] [blocksize] [file ...]


 No -A here.

/lusr/danny 133 # help tar|more
tar -- USTAR-compatible tape archiver to copy and back up files
Usage:  tar -c[#s][AbfvwlzUV] [tapefile] [blocksize] [volpat] file ...
        tar -r[#s][bfvwlzUV] [tapefile] [blocksize] [volpat] file ...
        tar -t[#s][AbfvzUV] [tapefile] [blocksize] [volpat] [file ...]
        tar -u[#s][bfvwlzUV] [tapefile] [blocksize] [volpat] file ...
        tar -x[#s][AbfvwpmozUV] [tapefile] [blocksize] [volpat] [file
Key letters (one of):
-A      toggles whether or not the -c, -t, and -x options process MPE


So I stand corrected, partially. Note the absense of the -A flag in
the man page. To be frank, I've never used the help command before,
always man.

>So, the -A feature does not seem to be undocumented (where else should
>I have known it from, if not from the documentation ;-) but it might be
>that the PDF manuals at docs.hp.com are outdated...

I ran into this problem and reported it to HP. Got a message back from
an engineer giving the -A solution, also acknowedging its
"undocumentedness". I think she said it would be documented in 6.0 or
a recent powerpatch. Hasn't happend with PP7 though. Anyway, that's
where I got it from.
Are you sure it's on you man pages. If so there must be different
versions of these as well :-(

Danny A. van Delft   [log in to unmask]