Randall Davis wrote:

>After talking with a few people, I've begun to
> suspect that TurboStore only provides a real online solution for
> Image/SQL if the application has been built with logical transactions
> (i.e. DBBEGINs and DBENDs).  Since my application does not, the
> transactions are not queued by TurboStore, and thus the source of my
> shadow failures.  The question is:  Is my understanding of the way
> TurboStore works correct?
> Thanks,
> Randall Davis

According to Orbit Software, you are indeed correct.  I have been in the process of evaluating backup solutions for our shop, and have tried both Turbostore/iX and Orbit's BACKUP+/iX.  The full backup performed with Turbostore missed a lot of files, whereas BACKUP only missed 6 of our KSAM files (I need to look into why these were missed).  The BACKUP manual states:

        "BACKUP's zero-downtime backup capability recognizes DBXBEGIN and DBXEND calls in applications and will not suspend a user until a corresponding DBXEND has been encountered for each DBBEGIN."

BACKUP can define logical transactions by waiting for a user to be in a wait state or terminal read condition, since logicals generally do not span terminal reads.  However, for batch jobs (which don't perform terminal I/O) the zerodown option can't recognize logical transactions and works instead on a physical transaction basis.  Another caveat is that zerodown doesn't support CM files, either.

Hope this helps!

Paul Cesario
Members1st Federal Credit Union, Mechanicsburg, PA.