Stan writes after Ernest:

>>     HPGETPROCPLABEL( procname
>>                     ,plabel
>>                     ,status
>>                     ,f_lib
>>                    );

> I STRONGLY prefer seeing the commas *AFTER* the parameter, not
> before.  Why?
>    Greatly increased readability and maintainability, and
>    it matches with the English language usage.

Far be it from me either to disagree with Stan, or to instigate a
"programming style" war, but...

I haven't found the "greatly increased...maintainability" claim above to be
true in my own experience.  In fact, it was my desire to *improve*
maintainability which inspired me to switch several years ago to the style
shown above.

I got burned on more than one occasion by adding an additional parm at the
end, but forgetting to add the trailing comma to the preceding parm.  The
style above avoids that problem.  (I've heard that C doesn't mind having
a comma after the final parm, but that just doesn't "feel" right, so I
haven't tried.)

In my own code, it's much more common to add a parm to the end than
to delete the first parm; the "comma-before" style supports the former
well, while the "comma-after" style supports the latter.

Again, this is intended only as counterpoint, not as "flame bait."
