In article <[log in to unmask]>, Bob
Walker <[log in to unmask]> writes:

>Try logging on directly to your HP as the user(ODBC.ACCOUNT)
>and accessing the DBE and Image table from ISQL.
>This is always as good place to start debugging.
>On 29 Sep 99 at 15:30, Jeff Sullivan wrote:
>> I have setup a special user (odbc.account) for odbclink/se to use as a
>> logon for accessing the image database.  First I did a newuser ......,
>> MODE=1
>> This is also the user defined in the data source (odbclink/se 32 is the
>> driver)
>> and when I link this into Micosoft Access, everything is OK until I try
>> to open
>> the data.  I get an error that says ODBC-call failed.  Invalid
>> turboimage database
>> access. turboimage intrinisic 401. (dberror 13501).  microsoft access
>> can't open
>> the database in the table view.
>> Is the user not setup correctly, or what?
>> any info appreciated.
>> Jeff Sullivan

Jeff and other curious listers ...

Another "debugging tool"  is ODBCUTSE - The ODBC-UTILITY-for-SE - you will find
it in the ODBCLink/SE manual ... it sees if the SQL submitted would work.
M$-Access is known as "the client from hell" by the tech team here due to some
characteristics it has (caching passwords, unable to handle some of the data
types you'd expect it would etc) ...

If you would like a class on ODBCLink/SE see the HP site for the HP3000 ... and follow the links to education ... you'll
find this ... or

Will give the training you need ... from HP.

If you would like a member of the MBFoster team to do a customized class for
your team on site - we do do that just drop me a note - many companies have had
us do the training they require as we are the lab for the defacto-standard
Image/SQL and AllBase/SQL drivers.


Best Regards,


PS Here is a quick summary of the 2 HP classes ... BF

                   IMAGE Databases I: TurboIMAGE and IMAGE/SQL (H3223S)
                   This 3-day course teaches database administration, and
                   hands-on practice in creating, accessing and maintaining
IMAGE                            databases.


                        Designing and Creating a TurboIMAGE database
                        Backup and Recovery
                        Security and Multiple User Access
                        Database Logging
                        Installing IMAGE/SQL on a TurboImage database
                        Basic HP Query/3000 and ISQL Commands
                        Database Tools and Utilities

                   IMAGE Databases II: Client/Server Access to IMAGE/SQL
                   This 2-day course provides hands-on practice with the
creation of
                   client/server access to IMAGE/SQL databases.


                        Installing ODBCLink/SE
                        Using IMAGE/SQL as a Back-end for Database Storage
                        Using Microsoft Client Tools to Access IMAGE/SQL

Hope it helps ...
Birket Foster
M. B. Foster Associates .. the 1-800-ANSWERS people!
Supplying DataExpress w/cross-platform ODBCLink Option (16&32)( 3K,9K&NT)
EC/EDI(3k,9k,NT) Phone (613) 448-2333 or (613) 448-2588 (FAX)
(See our website at WWW.MBFOSTER.COM)