Mark Klein writes:

> Sym                       C H X P Sym    Sym        Sym     Lset
> Name                              Type  Scope      Value    Name
> ----                      - - - - ----  -----      -----    ----
> alloc_code_space          3   3 2 entry univ       00022000
> In the above listing, note the X and P columns. That indicates the
> execution privilege level and the call privilege level of the routines.
> (Execution privilege level is what ring it will run at, call level is what
> ring the calling routine must run in order to call this routine). So, in
> the above example, alloc_code_space is callable by user mode (ring 3), but
> runs at privileged ring 2.

I'm a bit confused by this, but I may know why.

Restating the above, it appears:

        X == execution privilege == "callable by" ring

        P == call privilege      == "runs at" ring

Is this correct?

If so, my confusion stemmed from equating "execution" with "runs at",
and "call" with "callable by".

If not, then the description for alloc_code_space is twisted. ;)
