I was coding (NM HP C) a procedure using FLABELINFO to get dates and times.
It seems that
any 32 bit item like time MUST be on 32-bit aligned address. My structure of
struct {
   short   mdate;
   long    mtime;
   short   rdate;
   long    rtime;
would get funny values in mtime and forward. But if I put the 2 half-words
together, it works.
struct {
   short  mdate;
   short  rdate;
   long   mtime;
   long   rtime;
So it seems you need to have an even number of half-word items, grouped
together, or place them at the
end of the structure.

 Keven Miller   KC7LYD  ICQ 5721825
 [log in to unmask]   (Salt Lake City, Utah, USA)