In article
<[log in to unmask]>,
  Ted Ashton <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> Curtis,
>   I think it's really cool that you found tools which work for you.
I'm fairly
> sure that Larry would agree :-) (by the by, I think that your comment
> Larry disliking everything but Perl, clever as it may be, isn't
> accurate, but that's one opinion against another).  Enjoy your Python
> and may all your projects be successful.
> Ted
> --
> Ted Ashton ([log in to unmask]), Info Serv, Southern Adventist


It's a shame that you would dismiss a language based on biased and
unresearched comments (admittedly so by the author..LW) that were
written almost a year ago.  Note, REBOL has been completely re-written
since that time, so comments that were about 25% accurate back then now
have almost 0 relevance.  Trust me, you are missing out to not add REBOL
to your toolkit.  We're at over 75,000 downloads and accelerating every
day, with extremely positive responses almost unanimously.

Nothing against Perl as it has proven itself a great tool in a number of
areas over the years (some 2 million developers or so...sort of speaks
for itself).  But REBOL is worth much more than your casual dismissal.


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