Apologies if this topic has been mentioned before, but here ya go:

Carl Sassenrath (of Amiga, etc. fame) has developed a new language
called REBOL which really bears looking at -- especially since one of
the 30 platforms he shooting to have it on by year's end is MPE/iX (!)
This messaging language has INCREDIBLE potential -- especially for such
low-profile topics as "e-services". <grin>  (It can be the "messaging
glue" for different systems, and it knows many networking types

Want to save a web page to a file name "foo.html"?
" write %foo.html read http://www.3kworld.com "

Want to e-mail the same web page (in HTML) to a friend?
" send [log in to unmask] read http://www.3kworld.com "

...and it gets MUCH better from there.  Carl is using "dialecting" in
the language, which -- among other things -- allows for both
statement/command/function re-definition and tight variable scope,
making it appear however you need it to appear.  I won't bore you with
all of MY gushing and glowing words of praise for this language though
-- I'll let others gush for me.  You can read some blurbs on it here:

"Why Rebol Matters", Web-Review
By Michael Swaine

"Rebol Might Be the Language for the Rest of Us", Web-Review
By Derrick Story

As well as the news links you can find at http://www.rebol.com when you
go there to download the (free!) core language file.

Check it out!
