I tested with Starvision... But, No Luck
Peter C.
Chris Bartram <[log in to unmask]> wrote in message
> In <[log in to unmask]>
[log in to unmask] writes:
> > Has anyone done any work with enabling a cobol program to act as a
> > process on the 3000 to handle requests from a VB application?
> >
> > I have a program that our support people can run to gather statistical
> > information about the applications, but they have to logon to each
> > to run it.  Now that we have grown from 2 3000s to 5 (and more to
follow) it
> > makes more sense to organize this information somehow and provide a
> > convenient way to access it, so I thought of a listener process that can
> > run.  Then the support people just fire up a client and get the
> > they want.
> While you can certainly write a network server in COBOL (look to the
> programmers manual for examples) you'll likely save yourself alot of time
> trouble by using either:
>  1) Apache and invoking your program via a CGI or PERL script
>  2) Pick up the QWEBS server which integrates easily (and very
>     with COBOL code on the host
> Then your clients just use a web browser (which they probably all already
> ) rather than needing a custom client to talk to your custom server.
>       -Chris Bartram