FWIW, if you didn't want to pull the information down, a quick and cheap
(short-term) solution could be to schedule the different jobs to
regularly push it to servers/PCs via FTP or Samba.


>>> "Paveza, Gary" <[log in to unmask]> 09/02/99 12:54PM >>>
Okay, it seems like my week for asking questions *sigh*

Has anyone done any work with enabling a cobol program to act as a
process on the 3000 to handle requests from a VB application?

I have a program that our support people can run to gather statistical
information about the applications, but they have to logon to each
to run it.  Now that we have grown from 2 3000s to 5 (and more to
follow) it
makes more sense to organize this information somehow and provide a
convenient way to access it, so I thought of a listener process that
run.  Then the support people just fire up a client and get the
they want.

Gary L. Paveza, Jr.
Technical Support Specialist
All opinions are mine and not those of my employer

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