Ted Ashton <[log in to unmask]> writes:

> The primary disadvantage is that if you go into another programmers
> you've no idea which key(s) are control, alt, etc.

This reminds me of a funny story. Many years ago in a previous life one of
my user's  keyboards was dropped and a good number of the keys popped off. I
was left with the task of putting them back on.

Several months later she asked me why Lotus 123 on her PC at home worked
different from her PC at the office. At home she used the alt key for
certain functions, yet at work it was ctrl. My initial reaction was that she
was nuts until I discovered I had swapped the alt and ctrl keys months

My opinion on the natural keyboards: In the few times I have tried them I
have always felt like I was typing on the side of a bowling ball. I'm sure
in time you get used to it.


Doug Werth                             Beechglen Development Inc.
[log in to unmask]                               Cincinnati, Ohio

The opinions expressed do not  necessarily represent the views or
opinions of Beechglen Development. They might but not necessarily.
They represent solely the opinions of the author.