Well Larry,

  First of all the SETI that keeps popping up in the HP3000L is the
SETI@Home project being run by UC Berkley.  For a good introduction to what
SETI@Home is and what it hopes to accomplish you should visit the SETI@Home
web site at


 Also, there is a nice explanation of how SETI@Home actually works if you go


  Anyhow.  To make processing SETI information a little more competative
(and therefore hopefully get more people involved), UC Berkley has allowed
people to join together and form groups.  When a group is created the
creator has to say what type of group he/she is creating.  There are 9

   Primary Schools
   Secondary Schools
   Junior Colleges
   Universities and Departments
   Small Companies (< 50 employees)
   Medium Companies (50 - 1000 employees)
   Large Companies (> 1000 employees)
   Government Agencies

  Someone (sorry...don't know who) on the HP3000-L started a group named
"Team HP3000-L".  Since we don't really fit into any of the other group
types he/she picked "club" as the group type.  Each day UC Berkley runs a
script that creates a "TOP 100" list for each group type.  Team HP3000-L is
ranked number 100 among "clubs" and therefore we have shown up on the TOP
100 Club list for the first time:)  The TOP 100 list for each group type can
be found at:


  Hopefully this explains it.

  One other thing.  Within each group there is a top 100 list for the
members of the group.  Since there are currently 52 members for Team
HP3000-L eveyrone shows up on the list.

Michael P. Smith

Larry Barnes wrote in message ...
>Forgive my ignorance, but could you explain this 100 club thing to me.
>L.A. Barnes
>"Michael P. Smith" wrote:
>> Just checked.
>> HP-3000L is now number #100 on the Top 100 Club list.
>> Michael P. Smith
>> Gavin Scott wrote in message ...
>> >Glenn writes:
>> >> Here's a brief update on SETI and Team HP3000-L:
>> >>
>> >> The next time the stats for "top 100 clubs" are updated,
>> >> Team HP3000-L may well be #100. :)
>> >>
>> >>    current #100:  Yams In Space, with 4,499 work units completed.
>> >>    Team HP3000-L....................: 4,584
>> >
>> >The "Top 100" list is only generated once a day, but if you "Search for
>> >group named" you can see the more or less current totals to a group.
>> >this for Yams and 3000-L at the moment shows them at 4546 and us at
>> >so yes, there's a good chance that today will be the day.  Too bad it
>> >didn't come last week through.  Would have made a nice HP World
>> announcement.
>> >
>> >G.
>> >