Francois Lefevre writes:

> From an interactive menu, I have to start "ASKPLUS" in process handling
> mode. So, I use intrinsics :
> firstly, CREATE to create the  new process

Okay, but then...

> and for each askplus command :
> SENDMAIL to transmitt the askplus command
> and ACTIVATE to execute the command.

Ouch.  I fear you have a few misconceptions about this.

Using SENDMAIL is effective only if the receiving process
calls RECEIVEMAIL.  Chances are, that's not happening.

And once a process is ACTIVATEd, it's active until it's not
(no, really! ;) either by suspending itself or by quitting.
So your second ACTIVATE, which caused the abort, either went
to an already-active process, or to one which no longer existed.

If you want to use CREATE/ACTIVATE and also send it one command
at a time, then

        1. redirect its $stdin to read a message file
        2. use exactly *one* ACTIVATE
        3. instead of using SENDMAIL, write the commands
              to the message file in item (1) above
