Glenn writes:
> Here's a brief update on SETI and Team HP3000-L:
> The next time the stats for "top 100 clubs" are updated,
> Team HP3000-L may well be #100. :)
>    current #100:  Yams In Space, with 4,499 work units completed.
>    Team HP3000-L....................: 4,584

The "Top 100" list is only generated once a day, but if you "Search for a
group named" you can see the more or less current totals to a group.  Doing
this for Yams and 3000-L at the moment shows them at 4546 and us at 4585,
so yes, there's a good chance that today will be the day.  Too bad it
didn't come last week through.  Would have made a nice HP World announcement.
