I found this very interesting:

Quoted from http://www.interex.org/hotnews/hpworld99.html#3000

Sterling announced that HP is joining the "open source" movement with the
initial release of two MPE source code modules, Query and Editor, and two
Java Software Class Libraries, TurboIMAGE and VPLUS. HP believes that this
initiative brings significant advantages to both CSY and its customer base.
HP customers will be able to access the source code, make modifications and
enhancements, and submit the changes back for potential acceptance into MPE

Interex has accepted the role of hosting the source code modules on its Web
site and managing the "check-out/check-in" process. Within its role of
managing the source code modifications, Interex will make source code
enhancements available to the 3000 community for use and public evaluation
at http://www.interex.org/tech/3000/hp30003.html. The site will also include
an e-mail based support line for each source code module and a FAQ. Source
code can be accessed at the URL below.

More source on the way? HP and Interex will gauge the success of the initial
modules and the value the program brings to the 3000 community. They are
hopeful that additional source code modules can be offered in the near

I would like to see more of this. Maybe for some of the applications that
are no longer sold/supported.


Doug Werth                                     Beechglen Development Inc.
[log in to unmask]                                       Cincinnati, Ohio

The opinions expressed do not necessarily represent the views or opinions
of Beechglen Development. They might, but not necessarily. They represent
solely the opinions of the author.