Bob Schlosser
Melbourne, Florida
(407) 727-5893

-----Original Message-----
From:   Hoyt, Travis (Contractor)
Sent:   Tuesday, August 10, 1999 3:24 PM
To:     Schlosser, Robert (Contractor)
Subject:        FW: Security testing - Microsoft vs. Linux

-----Original Message-----

I just got this and figured I'd pass it on.

There has been a competition going on. It started with MS asking hackers
and crackers to crack their new server. Of course being Microsoft, they
set up some ground rules to tilt the contest in their favor. Also, they
didn't offer any incentive other than the opportunity to give MS some
security testing.

A couple hours later, set up an old Mac running LinuxPPC
with telnet and Apache enabled, and issued a challenge to crack their
no rules and if you crack in, and can show your work, you get the box.

Well the MS site crashed immediately, they blamed the weather, but then
it has crashed several times, 9 times as of Friday. The Linux box, has
not crashed once. Thursday LinuxPPC gave out the root password, Saturday
MS followed suit. I have been trying to access the MS site since
but the site has been down most of the time. they say you can telnet in,
but the site is MIA.

The big joke now is MS has found the key to security, if your computer
is down, it can't be broken into.

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