On Thu, 29 Jul 1999 08:05:10 -0400, Jim Phillips
<[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>So, now that we have LAN's at each of our locations, and the individual =
>LAN's are linked by a WAN, and we have deployed PC's onto the shop=20
>floor to aid the operators, we have some smart operator who thinks he=20
>can intimidate the management here by threatening to unleash a virus=20
>from his PC.  In fact, the actual threat indicated that he/she may have =
>already done so; that is, loaded a time-delayed virus on his PC.
>Our response to this was to install Norton AntiVirus on every PC=20
>(actually, we had already done this since we picked up an Excel=20
>macro virus at one of the remote locations).  Next, I plan to=20
>change the EPROM settings on every PC on the shop floor to=20
>disable the floppy drive, and password-protect the settings.  I=20
>figure this will stop anyone from using the floppy drive, even=20
>if they boot into DOS (by hitting the F8 key during boot-up).=20

Hmm. Wouldn't it be cheaper to just fire the operator......?
