In article
<[log in to unmask]>,
  Lars Appel <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> Tom wrote (in part):
> > The tools available are Samba, Apache, DNS, Java and ODBC ...
> Add JDBC to that list. You can find a Java Servlet example that
> accesses an IMAGE/SQL database (MusicDBE from IMSQL.SAMPLEDB.SYS)
> via JDBC.
> I also have a very small (less than a printed page) standalone
> JDBC example that displays Composers from MusicDBE. Can be run on
> server or client. Let me know, if you'd like a copy to get an idea
> how it may look like.
> Lars.
Thank You for the info on JDBC.  It looks like JDBC is in beta, do you
happen to know when this went into Beta?  What port does the database
listen on?  Can you offer any other links regarding HP3000's JDBC?
Thanks again.

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