Just based on observation, but usually the session that won't close down is
stuck on some form of networking i/o.  I've many times seen during shutdown I'd
get stuck around a Shut 3 and also get a NS error message about the same time.

TCP/IP doesn't necessarily have or use timeouts like the old HP NetIPC NS did.
One way I discovered I could get out of stuck telnet or ftp sessions was to
find the PIN number through SHOWPROC or GLANCE and do a "kill" command on the
specifically hung process from the POSIX shell.  Please be careful though --
like killing any process/session from Glance, you could end up with a mess if
you don't know the nature of what you're killing!

Just an idea...

Debby Gray

Debby Gray                 [log in to unmask]  (work)
  Naperville, IL              [log in to unmask]      (personal)
...opinions? what opinions?  I wouldn't claim them, so
      why should hp?