If you're going to England:

> Item #1 on my list:  Stay Away From The Eggs!  If you see eggs on a
> breakfast menu, RUN!!!  (Free range chickens.  'Nuff said.).
Item #2 on my list:  Make Sure Your Pockets Are Reinforced.  You will slowly
acquire a significant number of 1-pound coins.  The smallest bill they have
is a 5-pound note, so the change mounts up in a hurry.

Item #3 on my list:  Buy A Large Billfold.  A very large billfold.  The
notes are of different sizes, and putting away a 20-pound or 50-pound note
can be similar to a flag-folding ceremony.

Item #4 on my list:  Exercise Vigorously.  Taking a lot of luggage?  Guess
who gets to carry it.  Porters, you say?  Okay, find one.  Go ahead.  Ain't

Item #5 on my list:  Don't take horse racing tips from waiters in
fish-and-chips shops.  Long story.