Our company recently upgraded to a new HP.  Well, we had a form design
package called Formation (I believe), but all we used it for was basic
background printing like borders and graybar and the such.  Well, it would
cost the company $13k just to upgrade our current package, so we decided to
just go with some of the default HP environment files instead of paying
this rediculous price for what we're using it for.

Now, here's my question.  Does anyone know how to modify these files that
are included with the HP system?  Is there a default editor, or can you
port them over to your PC, edit them using something like Word, then put
them back on the HP (there was a package that I checked into that you could
do something like this)?  Or does anyone know where I can find more of
these to stick on our system?  Any answer would be a GREAT answer.  =)
Please contact me ASAP.  Thanks!!

---Les Buchanan
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p.s.  I know I shouldn't ask this, but I don't visit this thread very
often, so could you PLEASE send an e-mail response.  Thanks!