Actually I meant to use the definite article.
I was just looking for YOUR conversation only, with Jim Lovell.

Now if they treat it like any other TV News sound-byte, they'll keep plugging this ONE conversation after EVERY break saying "Next!  Alfredo Rego speaks with Jim Lovell!", and they will keep putting it off until the end of the show, so you end up watching the whole show so you wont miss that one interview.

-----Original Message-----
Tracy Johnson <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>Alright, for how many days do I have to watch this before this
>conversation occurs?
>-----Original Message-----
>From:   F. Alfredo Rego [SMTP:[log in to unmask]]
>You are cordially invited to watch this week's "The Executive Forum" TV
>program (from May 26 to June 1), which includes a conversation that Jim
>Lovell and I had about Hewlett-Packard's best-kept secret (the HP3000
>Business-Critical Computer) and its high-performance and high-availability
>Database Management System (IMAGE/SQL).

Good point!  What's "this" in your question?  I assume you meant "Do you
have to watch the whole SERIES of programs before the HP3000's turn comes