You do not have to leave News group because of truck load of "Inbox"...
I use Outlook Express from Microsoft IE5(free) add News with my ISP and
"comp.sys.hp.mpe" group you can manager Inbox vs. News Group
and New option "Find" to filtering whatever you want to see....

Peter C.

John Clogg <[log in to unmask]> wrote in message
> Fellow Listers:
> It is with regret that I must bid this list farewell.  No, I'm not leaving
my job,
> It's just that I can no longer afford the time spent each day sorting
> the large volume of postings.  Even though I delete a large number of
> postings without ever opening them (e.g. "Punch Card Trivia"), I still
> an unacceptable amount of time just cleaning up my in-box and reading
> postings to determine which threads have degenerated into uselessness.
> I could justify the time if the majority of traffic was informative, but
> seems to no longer be the case.
> My thanks to those who have provided so much good information and
> discussion over the years.
> John Clogg