Brian Duncombe writes:

> I used a college computer centre with an ibm 1130 (they now have an HP3000)
> that required the o/s and compiler in card form to precede the little
> fortran source deck(s).  As I recall, we also used SL/1 (a mini PL/1) in
> this same manner.

The college I attended used an ibm 1130 as well.  IIRC, it has 8k of memory.
But it must have been the fancy model; the OS was on disk (I don't know the
size), so we did not have to include either the OS or the compiler in card

I used FORTRAN, COBOL (no nested IF's allowed), and Assembly (which had all
of 27 instructions).

The school replaced the 1130 with the 3000, and after I graduated switched
again to a VAX, leaving the 3000s on the administrative side.

Don Seay, do you remember more details?  Did I remember correctly?



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