John Pearce wrote:

Anyone remember running Fortran II on the IBM 1620 before IBM provided the
1311 disk drive?  All punch cards.  We thought we were in heaven when IBM
provided a 1311 drive and we could dump all those card decks.

--------------------Reply Separator----------------------

Yep, storage was a big room down the hall filled with card tray
cabinets.  The computer operator was actually part of the
process.  I remember pushing a cart loaded with card trays from
sorter, to collator, to reproducer, to IBM 1401 using a procedure
flowchart for the processing steps.

If you needed more storage extents, you rearanged the trays in
the cabinets.

Steve Barrett

    Steven P. Barrett
    Systems Analyst
    Fairfax County Public Library
    e-mail:  [log in to unmask]

    --- The opinions expressed here are mine alone. ---

    "Life is dear to every living thing, the worm that
    crawls upon the grownd will struggle for it."
    (from Solomon Northup's - Twelve Years a Slave, at -