Jean Huot writes:

>>> Les bureaux de credit du nord <[log in to unmask]> 05/13/99
07:39am >>>
I find it interesting to see that the free report writer Query can read Image
files, but no Ksamxl files.  Is there any free
utility program out there that allows you to do a key search on a Ksamxl
file and report a record to the screen?

Jean Huot
Northern Credit Bureaus Inc.
I don't know of any free report writer for Ksam files, but if you want a
dump of a file for a key value you can use FCOPY.

:FCOPY FROM=ksamfile;TO=;SUBSET="char string",start key column

This will dump the ksam file (CM or NM) to your screen.  Of course the
TO= options of CHAR, HEX, OCTAL can be used.  Use KSAMUTIL for CM
to get the column start of keys, or LISTF ,5 for KSAMXL files.

Mike Berkowitz
Guess? Inc.