Item Subject: Re: [HP3000-L] lastest technology - eg mercerd (was Re: IPROF              Proceedings)
Richard Gambrell writes:

> Someone always complains that the 3000 isn't doing what the 9000
> is doing as soon as it is out.
> Sometimes a technology isn't available for MPE [...] for a long time-
> and often the justification is simply that it isn't needed by 3000
> customers.

In this vein, there was a comment at last month's BAYRUG seminar
on "Web Enabling the Enterprise" that I think caught alot of the
MPE attendees (and there were many) by surprise.

Rosemarie Chiovari said (and I'm going on my cryptic notes here,
so I hope someone will correct me if I have this wrong) that the
HP Virtual Vault security product is not available for MPE because...
it is *not needed* due to the architecture of the OS !

Several hp3000-L attendees were there; is your recollection
substantially different from this?
