
This sounds a whole lot like the "bleeding edge of technology".


 Pete Crosby ([log in to unmask])
 Hewlet-Packard Co.
 North American Response Center
 Atlanta, GA

Simon Palmer <[log in to unmask]> wrote in message
> At the risk of infuriating all of you on the list....
> The announcement made by CSY is interesting, but a little behind the
> All CSY did was integrate a higher clock speed PA 8200 chipset that has
> available on the HP 9000 line for at least nine months.  In my opinion
> should be more current on technology than this, while still providing the
> reliability and stability that all HP 3000 users have come to expect.
> One other issue that seems to be neglected....
> Application availability is still below par on the HP 3000.  Until this
> changes, and CSY speeds up the integration of new technologies, the HP
> will not enter the mainstream.  (Granted, some of these are marketing
> issues, but this is what drives products today.  Witness Windows vs. OS/2
> and Oracle vs. other databases.)
> Simon Palmer
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Stigers, Greg [And] <[log in to unmask]>
> To: [log in to unmask] <[log in to unmask]>
> Date: Tuesday, May 04, 1999 9:16 AM
> Subject: HP to reinvigorate midrange servers
> >X-no-Archive:yes
> >Mr. Shankland,
> >
> >I would like to thank you for your article, and appreciate reading
> >more favorable press on the 3000. I do not know how many subscribers to
> >HP 3000 listserv recognized your name from your 'HP takes new tack on
> >e-commerce' article from just last week.
> >
> >I am sorry that the postings on the 3000 listserv were not somewhat more
> >favorable, and so am posting this there as well. I do not think that the
> >responses I have read is how we encourage awareness of our platform.
> >
> >There are some buzzwords as well as some hot points in your article. I
> >appreciated reading about Apache in some detail, all accurate. It, with
> >SAMBA, was 'grass roots', ported by others, but HP saw the sense in
> >negotiating their adoption, while the other porters will continue their
> work
> >as well on the absolute latest versions available (HP is not known for
> >public beta tests). And the secure web console is new news, still being
> >discussed on the list. I also appreciated the indirect reference to JDBC
> >Java access to IMAGE/SQL. Frankly, although I am in interested in seeing
> >happen, I had forgotten about LDAP.
> >
> >I would have preferred the buzzword 'high availability' over robust, but
> >don't think that anyone will say that we are not robust. And resurrect
> seems
> >a little strong; revival or recommitment seem closer to it, since we were
> >never dead. Sales of the 3000 are higher today, with more sold in the
> >eighteen month period after HP started announcing their plans than in the
> >previous five years. As for the decades-old lineage, well, that is our
> >legacy, one that we are proud of, and although we know our OS to be as
> >as POSIX.2 it complies with, we agree that proprietary need not be a bad
> >word (it hasn't hurt the AS/400). The first binary that was compiled on
> >HP 3000 twenty six years ago will still run on the newest, high-end HP
> >available today, albeit it in compatibility mode, despite the profound
> >growth of the hardware and software, because of HP's commitment to
> >compatibility.
> >
> >Greg Stigers
> >CGI Information Systems and Management Consultants, Inc.
> >insert std disclaimers
> >