
With troublesome modems I sometimes resort to using the HP3000 over X.25
file transfer method. This can usually get around most flow-control
problems, although it is quite a bit slower.


Doug Werth                                     Beechglen Development Inc.
[log in to unmask]                                       Cincinnati, Ohio

The opinions expressed do not necessarily represent the views or opinions
of Beechglen Development. They might, but not necessarily. They represent
solely the opinions of the author.

-----Original Message-----
From: Stan Sieler <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask] <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Monday, May 03, 1999 2:20 PM
Subject: help: WRQ Reflection file transfer vs. "host does not respond"

>The score is Reflection: 10, Me: 0.
>I'm dialed into LDEV 21 on an HP 3000, which has PCLINK2 version:
>   NM PCLINK2 (Privileged) Version: 3.14.02
>(BTW, you can get the version by doing: RUN PCLINK2.PUB.SYS;INFO="VERSION")
>When I try to start a file transfer (either direction) I get an immediate
>"host does not respond" error.  I'm termtype=10, with the default
>settings ... settings that usually *work* on other dialins.
>BUT...when I go back to the main terminal windo, I see that
>Reflection successfully started PCLINK2.PUB.SYS which is "prompting"
>with the (@#@#@#@).  (Michael Hensley observed that we *see* the
>"RUN PCLINK2.PUB.SYS" line on the screen, which doesn't happen for
>"good" transfers.)
>If I switch various settings on/off (e.g., disable DC2 or host prompt),
>the problem sometimes changes to "timeout".
>The value of HPTYPEAHEAD is false.
>When Reflection file transfer works, it's wonderful, when it refuses
>to work it's extremely frustrating!
>I've tried two PCs (two different copies of Reflection), and two modems.
>As an alternative, I have access to KERMIT.PUB.VESOFT, but haven't been
able to
>get Reflection to talk to it yet (despite going through the file
>setup stuff).
>At the risk of missing an obvious answer, let me say "I don't think
>I'm missing something obvious".  Any unobvious solutions?
>Stan Sieler                                          [log in to unmask]