(Crossposted to comp.sys.hp.mpe/3000-L and SIG JAVA mailing list)

The web pages for Java on MPE/iX have been extensively updated, and
are now online at http://jazz.external.hp.com/src/java.

This is merely the first pass at a multiple-step updating process;
I'm trying to get new content and functionality out as quickly as
possible, with graphical redesign coming later in the year.

Please visit the new pages and give me your feedback; it will be
much easier to change things now than later after the professional
web designers have come in and added the graphics and stuff to the

A brief tour:
  - The main page has news, links to the data sheet and product
    roadmap, and success stories.  We're actively looking for more
    success stories, so please let us know how you're using Java
    on your HP 3000 systems.
  - The Supported JDK page is where you can download official
    releases, such as JDK 1.1.5 and JDK 1.1.7.
  - The Beta JDK page is where you can download beta releases,
    such as JDK 1.2.  The JDK 1.2 link is not yet active; I'll
    post another message if we make it publicly downloadable.
  - The JDBC page (the link works from the home page, but not
    from the other pages) is currently being handled separately,
    but we might try to integrate this more closely in the future.
  - The 'Open Source Class Libraries' page provides information
    and links to the TurboIMAGE Class Library, and placeholders
    for future MPE and VPLUS class libraries.
    - A new version of the TurboIMAGE Class Library, v2.4, is now
      available.  Biggest change has been to create a single
      Makefile that replaces the individual build scripts.
    - There are now separate downloads for a runtime-only and a
      full-source version of the library.
    - The library source is now browseable online using the
      CVSWeb tool.  This is the actual source repository, so the
      source may at times be more current than the distribution
  - The third party products page provides links to third party
    products that are either specifically for MPE/iX Java users,
    or that individuals have tried on MPE/iX and are willing to
    share their experiences.  We're actively looking for more
    links to this page; please let us know if you are an ISV who
    has a product, or an end-user who can tell us about products
    you've used.
  - The documentation page is pretty thin right now, with a
    three-year-old tutorial on using Java on MPE.  We hope to
    expand this area in the future.
  - The support page provides info on known problems & workarounds
    and Java-related patches
  - The resources page provides links to SIG JAVA, books that
    we recommend (or that users have recommended to us), other
    web sites of interest, etc.
  - The Java FAQ is the place to go for all your questions about
    using Java on the HP 3000.  We've started things off with a
    small number of questions, but we're counting on users to
    tell us what needs to go in here.  Currently, anyone can
    add Q&A's to the FAQ; we may rescind this privilege in the
    future if it's abused, but ideally this can be a community
    effort to build a useful document.  The FAQ engine is a little
    slow (hey, it's written in Python, not Java, so don't blame me!)
    so please be patient.  If you want to see the FAQ categories,
    you have to select 'Add a FAQ Entry', because the other views
    won't show you categories that don't have any entries yet.
    (Also, if more or different categories are needed, please give
    me that feedback right away; it will be much harder to change
    once the document begins to grow).

Happy surfing!

Mike Yawn
Java/iX Web Site Admin