Mark Bixby quotes a spammer:

>       Capitalizing on the presence of major HP executives

but probably not all *five* CEOs ;)

> and the
> excitement of the New York Stock Exchange and 55 Wall Street locations, HP
> will announce the HP 9000 N-Class, the first IA- 64 ready machine in the
> world.  The N-Class Server is the most powerful mid-range server on the
> planet and has dual growth paths, IA-64 and PA-RISC.

Oh, sure, that's very nice, but can it really be called
"Enterprise Computing's ultimate answer"?

This is evolution; the "ultimate answer" requires revolution.


P.S.  I can already hear the UNIX weenies for when a similar 3000 is
      announced:  "Nice machine, but WE have enterprise computing's
      ULTIMATE answer!  Nyah, nyah, nyah."



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