The Honors Day program will occur on Tuesday, April 13 at 4:30 p.m. in the
Roland Hayes Auditorium of the Fine Arts Center.  The program will last
about an hour.  A reception will follow.  All faculty and staff are invited
and encouraged to attend.

Deans, Directors or Department Heads who provided information about award
recipients are responsible for notifying those recipients and insuring the
attendance of those recipients whose awards are scheduled for stage
presentation.  You are also responsible for notifying the presenter of the
award (if you're not presenting it yourself) and getting the plaque, trophy,
medal, check or other item to be presented for each award.  If a monetary
award is to be disbursed at fee payment time, you should have a certificate
or letter of congratulation to present to the recipient on stage.

Faculty presenting awards should dress as you would for commencement and
meet in the Fine Arts Center lobby by 4:15.  You will process as directed by
Dr. Bibler, the Marshal.

Any questions about awards should be directed to Melissa Burchfield at ext.