This is a reminder that UNSAVED E-MAIL on the cecasun server may be
deleted after TWO WEEKS by Computing Services.  The two-week time limit was
established when e-mail was processed on the IBM mainframe, and we have carried
the policy over to the current processing on Sun servers.  All incoming,
unsaved mail is stored in the same directory on the cecasun.  The size of this
disk storage is limited; and therefore, we must limit the mail that is kept

        If you use a PC application such as Eudora or Netscape, a copy of your
incoming mail is made on your PC when you read it.  This copy remains on your
PC until you choose to delete it and is not affected by our deletions on the

        If you log on and use pine to read mail, press the s key to save any
message that you wish to keep or press the d key to delete a message.  When you
press the s key, the current message is saved in your personal account, where
it will remain until you choose to delete it.  Saved mail will not be affected
by our deletions.

        If you will be away and unable to read your mail from the cecasun for
an extended period of time, please try to do one or more of the following:

        1.  Arrange for another mail drop where you will be, and call
            Computing Services at 4765 to get your e-mail forwarded to
            that address.

        2.  Arrange for Internet access where you will be, and pop the
            mail or telnet to the cecasun at least every 2 weeks.

        3.  Unsubscribe from mailing lists.

        4.  Contact correspondents who send a lot of mail or large
            attachments, and tell them to hold your mail until you return.

        5.  If Options 1 or 2 are not possible, contact Computing
            Services at 4765, and perhaps we can make special